Najla Feki

Executive Committee

Najla Fki is an Assistant Professor of English language and Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Safx, Tunisia. She got her MA entitled “Non-finite Clauses in Scientific Discourse: A Corpus-based Study of Medical and Social Psychology Papers” in 2012. She holds a PhD in Linguistics entitled “Adverbial clauses in legal discourse: A comparative study of International Treaties and Academic Legal Articles”. Her main research interests include corpus linguistics, systemic functional linguistics, genre analysis and academic discourse.


– Fki, N. (2022). The law review paper between the kingdom of the law and the realms of academia: A systemic functional analysis of adverbial clauses. Discourse and Interaction, 15(1), 5-28. 

– Fki, N. (2021). The expression of stance in research articles: A semantic study of verbal predication in nominal infinitival clauses. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 26(6), 58-70. 

– Fki, N. (2021). Investigating humor integration in Tunisian tertiary English classes: A comparative study of teachers’ and learners’ perceptions. Advances in Language and Literary Studies (ALLS), 12(3), 127-140.