Fifth Hybrid Session of SYFLAT Research Methodology Seminars 2023-2024

Linking Adverbials across Genres and Disciplines: A Corpus-Based Study in Tunisian Academic Writing

Speaker: Donia Kaffe

SYFLAT, established on June 12th, 2014 (Reference: 2014S01520APSF1 – JORT number 70), is an academic association dedicated to promoting research and innovation in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and its applications across disciplines. Through its seminars and workshops, SYFLAT continues to support academic excellence and foster collaboration among scholars.

As part of the Fifth Hybrid Session of the SYFLAT Research Methodology Seminars 2023-2024, Donia Kaffel will present her research titled Linking Adverbials across Genres and Disciplines: A Corpus-Based Study in Tunisian Academic Writing. This talk will explore the use and distribution of linking adverbials in academic texts, offering insights into linguistic patterns across genres and fields within Tunisian academia.